Life is stressful. We all have so many things being thrown at us from every direction that sometimes, it’s hard not to crack under the pressure. One of my good friends, who recently began training for a fitness competition, has started mediating every morning. Although I do regularly listen to mediation music, I really was never able to be “one with my thoughts.” My mind would race, and I couldn’t stop thinking about work or other things that really were bothering me. So, I started to really try taking meditation seriously and it’s been really helping me. This week, I wanted to share with you all some beginning meditation tips that have helped me, and I plan to continue sharing my meditation journey with you in the months to come.
—-First, sit or lie comfortably. I usually go outside on my back patio and lay on my yoga mat.
—Close your eyes, and try to really not think about anything. I know, it’s hard, but sometimes you have to just clear your mind. If you can’t, do what I do and think only positive thoughts.
—Make no effort to control your breathing, simply breathe naturally.
—Focus your attention to your breathing, and on how your body moves with each inhalation and exhalation.
—Set a timer. Try starting with 5 minutes, then work yourself into higher increments. Consider increasing by 5 mins each day like I did.
Once I’m done meditating, I usually feel much clearer and ready to start the day. I also feel a little more in control of my thoughts. If you find any of these tips or techniques helpful, please tag me and let me know!