Today’s topic is about being authentically you. All the surgery in the world won’t give you Kylie’s success, all the social climbing you do won’t make your ladder stronger, and all the people-pleasing won’t make people see you any differently than they want to. So why not just be yourself? Tell me, are you authentically you?
We live in a world where influence is key, and we all, well, influence people in some way or another, right? There are influencers, mega-influencers, micro-influencers, celebrities, and the list goes on.
Sometimes I have to admit, I get quite annoyed with the “rinse and repeat” world we live in. I feel like people copy me all the time, but then I remember I’m in the business to be copied. I teach things, I sell things, products, people, brands, services every day, so why am I mad? I wouldn’t say “mad” is the right word, I just feel like people need to find balance between becoming a carbon copy of someone else and still maintaining authentically. Of course, we look up to others and gain ideas, inspiration, business ideas even, or fashion sense (for me I love reality tv for the clothes… well, and the drama!), but where are we still being authentically ourselves?
Well, I’m going to tell you, I got this down. Just like I said earlier, I’m in the business to teach and I’m going to teach you how I found my balance, and how you can too to live your best and most authentic life.
-First, you need to stop giving a f*** what people think, and start just being you.
I gave myself a black eye a few weeks ago and laughed my ass off about it online. Just stop caring. I heard a quote once that said something of the sort, “We spend our entire lives wondering what people think, then as we get older, we realize no one was thinking about us as much as we thought”. Let that sink in. Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen. So, choose to be You, always! Express yourself freely.
-Never take any shit from anyone.
Don’t be a doormat or a people pleaser. It gets you nowhere. And don’t let fear get the best of you, do the scary things! Authentic self-expression is one of the most fundamental needs and joys of being human. Expressing yourself freely is the cornerstone of authenticity. It means speaking up about your views when appropriate, and having the courage to challenge others respectfully when you disagree. It means having the courage to express ‘the real you’ through your work, appearance, activities, home design and any other aspect of life that is an expression of you. When you’re willing to passionately and boldly show up, express your true self, your true ideas, and true beliefs, you tap into your authentic power. And you become an inspiration and a positive role model to those around you who may also be longing to express themselves more freely.
-Celebrate who you are. Enough said there.
-Write a breakup letter to your fake self and burn it.
“Dear fake me, I will no longer give a shit about what people think and feel the need to photoshop my photos…” You get the idea.
-Be self-aware.
There are those who think they’re self-aware (95% of all people) and those who actually are (probably 5% of all people). You really need to know who you truly are, where YOU fit into the world. Listen, everyone isn’t Kim K, and all the plastic surgery in the world isn’t going to give you the same opportunities as her, so where do you fit in? You need to have the conscious knowledge of your own personality, character, feelings, and individuality, and find your fit.
There’s nothing wrong with other’s having a little influence over us like I said, but always be you. No one else can.
And if you ever need a good laugh, you can go to my IG and watch my unfiltered stories and drop me a line sharing your own! Remember, Authenticity has NO COMPETITION!