Girl, It’s Time to Start Saving




I don’t need to start this post with a complete rehash of the news or by complaining about gas prices. We’re all very aware of what’s going on. I will say however, now is the time to take a hard look at your spending and take notes of what needs to slow down and what needs to go altogether.

As one of my clients, Alina Karotky, says, “tiny habits make a big difference.” Be sure to follow her @lakundalina on Instagram and download her free self-care guide from her website KundalinaYoga.Com!

But Alina is totally right. Tiny habits can even lead to big money gains, and with us heading into a recession, there’s literally no better time to start saving and investing than right now. Here are some small changes that you might want to consider doing to lighten the blow of the days ahead.

-Make the time to meal prep and grocery shop and ditch eating out for 30 days.
I know we all love eating out but the cost adds up fast! Take the time to carve out one day every week where you go shop and meal plan. This will make those “let’s go out” cravings happen less often. Not to mention, when you have groceries and a meal plan at the house for the week, it makes it hard to be so wasteful.

-Try a week without spending any unnecessary money — or even just start with one day.
Make your coffee at home, skip the happy hour, and hit the gym or do some things that you are already paying for every month. You can even hit the lake/beach, go for a hike, or do some other outdoor things that are free.

-Declutter and sell some things you don’t use or wear online.
I am doing this when I move for sure. How many times can you wear that dress? Sell it.

-Break your monthly bills into weekly payments.
Take out what you need each week to pay them so you’re not broke at the end of the month.

-Do a cash allowance for the week.
Once you visually see how much you are spending versus the mindless swiping of a card, you may reconsider that extra coffee at Starbucks.

-Shop sales at your favorite stores.
Stock up on those favorite items that you need, whether clothing, skincare, or household items, etc. when they’re on sale! (Haven’t used our TRYIT code yet at Use it for $10 off a full-size item or bundle!)

-And finally, ditch the alcohol.
It adds up, even throughout the week. Imagine how much you can save, save, save!

While it’s always good to evaluate extra or unnecessary spending, there are some things I think you should always spend on.

Self-care, gyms, drivable cheap trips to clear your mind, and things that make you happy. Saving doesn’t mean you have to give up having fun, you just need to look at it a little differently. You can even invest in yourself by taking classes! Things will only open you up to more possibilities and a fuller life should take center stage, and saving by skipping that extra Starbucks run can allow you to redirect those funds towards something with a far greater value.

What are some ways you like to budget or evaluate spending habits? Tag or comment on my latest post your ideas @AskHeatherMariannaBlog on Instagram.

